Expert science and maths tutor
Robert has always excelled in his education. As a dedicated and conscientious student, Robert consistently received the Principal’s List Award every semester for his academic excellence. Robert has had more than 3 years tutoring experience through Emmanuel College as a mathematics tutor and for over 12 months, as a mathematics and science tutor with ABC to VCE working closely with Dr. Danny. Robert is a results-based educator as he understands the individual needs of his clients and their families. Robert carefully designs each lesson to ensure he is sharing his knowledge through exceptional organisation skills, thorough knowledge, up-to-date resources supporting current curriculum and clear communication. Roberts academic achievements demonstrates that he knows and understands the feeling of achievement which drives his desire for your teen to also achieve. Robert’s passion for the sciences have led him to study Bachelor of Science at the University of Melbourne.
Hello! This is my story.
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Nunc suscipit est fermentum, volutpat velit id, ultrices mauris. Nunc iaculis efficitur vehicula. Suspendisse malesuada urna et turpis luctus dapibus. Donec ex felis, auctor quis suscipit non, volutpat nec erat et turpis luctus.
My Education
Harvard University
MBA from Harvard Business School
University of Michigan
BBA (2006)
Harvard University
Section UX & UI design (2008)
My Experience
Head of Industry
Self - employed
Professor and Consultant